• Hello ! Today is Tuesday, February 11, 2025.  

     Welcome to Ms. Hope's page! 
     Here you will find information, assignments, and important dates for these classes.
    Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.

      Ellen Hope    
                            Remind signup (this allows you to text me)
    Seniors: text @lhshope12 to 81010
    Freshmen: text @lhshope9 to 81010
    501-676-2476 school

     Daily Schedule
    1st Period:  English 12
    2nd Period:  English 9
    3rd Period:  English 9
    4th Period:  ALE
    5th Period:  English 2
    6th Period: English 12
    7th Period:  English 9
    8th Period: PREP

    Brief Bio:
    I have lived in Lonoke all of my life until this year and am a 1997 graduate of Lonoke High School.  I received my B.A. of English from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in May of 2005.  I started teaching at Lonoke High School in the fall of 2006 while simultaneously working on my Master's degree.  I graduated with an M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in December of 2007. 
    I have two sons.  Gregory is 22; Oliver is 13 and in 8th grade this year at Lonoke Middle School.
    My passion is reading and I hope to pass that along to each and every student I teach.  I am always open to discussing books and anything related to reading.  If you would like to know what I am reading or what I could suggest to you or your child, please let me know.  I would be glad to help in any way.  