Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) is a student intervention program consisting of an
alternate class or program within a public school or school district that affords all students an
environment that seeks to eliminate traditional barriers to learning for students whose academic
and social progress are negatively affected by the student's personal characteristics or situation;
and is not a punitive environment but is one that is conducive to learning. The Lonoke School
District has alternative learning for grades K-12. There is a referral process and students must
meet eligibility for this program, per state guidelines and rules.
The acronym CORE stands for Committed to Other Routes of Education. CORE is an alternative
learning environment that seeks to eliminate traditional barriers to learning for students whose
academic and social progress are negatively affected by the student’s personal characteristics or
situation. To be eligible for enrollment into the CORE Program, students must present with
situations or characteristics that negatively affect academic and social progress and often
demonstrate at risk characteristics of personal or family problems, recurring absenteeism, drop
out from school, or concerns with behaviors that disrupt the learning process of self and
others. When a student is referred to CORE/ALE, a committee is formed that consists of a school
counselor, building principal or assistant, one or more of the student’s regular teachers,
parent/guardian, student, special education or 504 representative (if applicable), ALE
principal/designee, and others as deemed appropriate to provide information and input regarding
the student and his/her situation. CORE/ALE placement duration is based on the individual
needs of the student. Placements can range from nine weeks, an academic semester, a school
year, or longer, as deemed appropriate for the student through CORE/ALE staff progress
All teachers are licensed by the State of Arkansas and meet the definition of highly qualified for
instructional purposes. All teachers are provided on-going professional development in
curriculum and behavioral interventions. English, Literacy, Math, Social Studies/ History, and
Science instruction are provided to students. Students have access to and some instruction on
computers. Credit recovery may be offered if a student has taken a course and failed to pass the
course (at the discretion of the principal). Students are provided instruction in social skills and
use a point/level system to demonstrate competency in social, emotional, and academic
Contact: Jennifer Holland, CORE Coordinator