• McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

    • Authorized in 1987, reauthorized in 2011 (NCLB) and 2015 (ESSA)
    • Although the act identifies students as ”homeless”, you may also hear the term “displaced” which is often more acceptable to families.
    • Program to address problems of homeless children and youth by providing equal access to the same free, appropriate education as other youth and children

    Rights include, but are not limited to:

    • attendance at school of origin
    • transportation if it is reasonable and feasible
    • free breakfast and lunches
    • assistance with school related fees and supplies for school
    • immediate enrollment without required documents
    • assistance obtaining required documents such as immunization records or birth certificate

    Criteria to Identify Homeless Students

    Student does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence

    •  Can the student go to SAME PLACE, EVERY NIGHT to sleep in a SAFE AND SUFFICIENT space?

    If you suspect a student may be homeless, contact  Melissa Edwards (district liaison) at 676-2042

    24-25 McKinney Vento Homeless Handbook