Daily Schedule:
7:50 am-First Bell
8:00 am-Tardy Bell
10:50 am-Kindergarten Lunch
11:15 am-Pre-K Lunch
11:25 am-First Grade Lunch
12:00 pm-Second Grade Lunch
3:15 pm-Dismissal for all students
Important Information:
We currently have construction going on at Lonoke Primary. Due to this, we are opening the building 10 minutes early to help allow more time to assist with traffic in the mornings. The door will open at 7:20. All drop off is in front of the building. There will be staff to assist students into the building until 7:50. After that, students need to be signed into the front office. Breakfast is served 7:30-7:50. Teachers begin teaching at 7:50. Students are officially tardy if they are not in their classrooms at 8:00.
Lunch is a time for students to eat, but also a time to socialize with peers. This is important in each child's social development. We do allow visitors for lunch as long as it does not interfere with the child's social/emotional development and the school day. Each visitor is required to show their ID every time they visit school and they must wear a visitor badge at all times. Visitors are only permitted to the designated areas so that the day is not interrupted for others.
All transportation changes must be made prior to 2:00 pm per the district handbook. This should be done by calling the school office. Teachers do use Class DoJo but may not be able to check it in time to honor the request. Parents should call the school office to make a transportation change.
Car Riders are dismissed 3:15-3:30; Walkers are dismissed at 3:20; Bus Riders are dismissed at 3:33. Due to construction, all K-2 dismissal is currently in the front of LPS. Because of this, it is very difficult to access the front office from around 2:30-3:40. If you must, please use the side parking lot and then walk into the office.
A few more tips-
- Students at this age often have accidents, whether it's spilling something or getting dirty. It is highly recommended to have a change of clothes in their backpacks for emergencies and accidents.
- Sign up with the App and Class Code that your child's teacher provides for you. This is the best way to communicate.
- Get involved with all of the things we have to offer at LPS!